Copywriting and Editing Services
Sharpening my Skills
I love the English language! Reading it, speaking it, and especially writing it! My passion for English led me to earn a BA in English and to find meaningful work as a copywriter, editor, and proofreader. The craft of copywriting has changed a lot since I began my career. The writer's tool has evolved from IBM Selectric typewriters to powerful wordprocessing machines. Today many copywriters also use computer software to add layout and design elements. My approach is to provide clarity in both content and appearance for materials published on paper or on the Internet. I am skilled in such elements as:
- Editing: punctuation, spelling, grammar, and proofreading.
- Copywriting: effective and concise text.
- Principles of Page Design: alignment, proximity, contrast, and repetition.
- Typography: appropriate choice of typefaces and rules of type, such as character kerning, the use of dashes, quotation marks, and special characters.
Gathering the Tools
I work with various industry-standard style manuals, such as The Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated Press Stylebook, and the classic Strunk & White's, The Elements of Style. For large projects, I usually develop a unique style guide. With proficiency in spelling, grammar, stylistic consistency, syntax, and layout, I produce polished copy for my clients.
These are the services I can provide for both paper and electronic publications:
- Writing and rewriting: From your background information, notes, or rough draft, I can shape the material into a well-written document.
- Substantive editing: Perhaps your document could benefit from my careful review of its tone, content, organization, and basic structure.
- Copyediting: I never return a job to you without first checking for errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
- Proofreading: Before the final printing, I like to take one last look at the document for any possible errors.
- Publication management: A publication needs expert attention from start to finish. Let me arrange for the publication's design and layout, as well as for the printing itself.
For documents submitted on disk or by electronic mail, I normally proofread and make the corrections to the file(s) without notation. For hard copy documents submitted by mail or fax, I proofread and make corrections using standard proofreaders' marks, unless otherwise advised.
Hitting the Target
Most of my Web writing is done in WordPad, a simple text editor that helps to keep the code clean. I use Home Site and other tools to maintain the HTML pages I have created.
My freelance writing and editing service is reliable, quick and affordable. What can I write for you today?
Making Contact
May I help with your next writing, editing, or website project? I'd also like to receive your comments about this website. Has it provided the information you needed or expected? Please use my Contact Form to get in touch with me. Thanks!